
Christopher Power!

As I previously said, Christopher Lambert made some really interesting movies in France or Europe. Gabriele Salvatores' Nirvana back in 1997 was one of them. Not a great success box office speaking I'm afraid but a very clever variation on virtual reality, a bit ahead of The Matrix on the subject (but without all the wham-bam-thank-you-spaceman SFX and daring visuals). Surreal and sometimes creepy, this sci-fi flick had some amibtion mais maybe not the budget to do so. Where a virus gets in a videogame and gives life to the characters.

The soundtrack was very curious, too, an eerie mix of 90's electronic music, indian references and cyberpunk culture. Kinda Simon Boswell if you absolutely wants to label it. Mauro Pagani & Federico de Robertis' work is ambitious too, atmospheric, relying on somes strange sound effects to give some kind of despair. Something worth discovering.

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