
This is My Ghost

Gee wiiiz... no recollection at all from this Ephronite of a movie. I just remember I rented it because of Julie Kavner. God doesn't exist (and even if it did, she would be a black blind lesbian), but Julie Kavner could be her. So funny, even better here as a stand up comedian neglecting her daughters. But wait... I think remember now bits and pieces with Carrie Fisher and Dan Aykroyd... wait... nope. Nothing. Nada. Nichts. Niente.

I must admit (or should I say confess) I bought the CD just because of the Spy Who loved Me song. I didn't know who Carly Simon was, i just loved the voice, the song. So this CD was in the middle of a bargain bin. So... what the heck? I bought it,like, fifteen years ago. 

Listening to it today was a terrible experience. The first notes ring terribly 90's with the awful synthetizers. Carly has a great voice, indeed, but the first two pieces (Love of my life and Back the Way) are on a verge of a crapification . There are ghosts better left buried in my drawers. I just can save Easy on the Eyes. 

... sometimes the 90's were just plain horrible. But as the movie kinda disappeared (and so did Carly Simon), this was time for a tribute. Kinda.