Still digging into the depths of the 90's depravity.
I shamelessly went to the movies on the evening of july 10th, back in 1996. I remember being slightly lost in the theater. And enjoying Christian Duguay's Screamers as well. I often read that many people hated the ending, I still don't understand why. It sums up the utter silliness of the movie. Otherwise, would I bother going to see B movies all the time? Abel Ferrara's Body Snatchers was a pretty much similar experience. And (besides the fact that the CGI special effects are not aging well) it still has the same effect on me some years later.
I also remember walking out of the theater, thinking of the music. The main title really hit me, and it was perfect with the images of a meteorite bursting into flames.(I should have kept these images in my mind instead of watching the DVD not sol ong ago. The SFX are awful). Still... Normand Corbeil's work was worth discovering. I had to wait for a long period of time before getting the music. I really don't remember were I got it. But I sure like to own and listen to it once in a while.
I must admit that liking someone's work keeps you making stuid things. 3 years ago, I bought the DVD of the awful piece of garbage that is Extreme Ops, another movie by Christian Duguay. I enjoyed skiing a lot, I enjoy most of Christian Duguay movies and it was another OST by Normand Corbeil. I still own the DVD just because of the opening sequence. Great music. Dunno where to get it. The rest is crap. But the music is good. What can I do?
Stupid thing, really.